BMI Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. I don’t have a phone line, what are my options?

No phone line – no problem! We have many different types of Internet connections for you, many of which do not need a phone line. We have multiple flavors of DSL, cable, fiber, wireless, mobile as well as satellite. Give us a call today, and let one of our Internet experts sort out all of your options and find the best one for you. 800-485-5006.

2. What speed Internet do I need?

The speed you need really depends on what types of things you want to do with your Internet connection. If you want to mainly send and receive email and do a little web surfing, you don’t need a super fast connection – dialup or a lower speed DSL connection would work fine. If you want to stream video (as with a Netflix or Blockbuster account) you will want something much faster, like a 3 Mb connection via DSL, cable or something else. Call today and talk to one of our Internet experts who can help you figure out what you really require so you do not end up paying for something you do not really need. 800-485-5006.

3. Is it better to bundle my services?

Sometimes bundling together all of your communication (telephone, Internet, TV etc) needs is the most affordable way to go, not to mention the convenience of ONE monthly bill. Sometimes you end up paying for services you don’t want, however, because they are included in the bundle. Since BMI sells both…bundled and unbundled, we can assist you in determining what is best for you and answer all your questions about each service. Call us today and talk to one of our Internet experts: 800-485-5006.

4. Which is better cable or DSL?

From a “performance and reliability” standpoint…both connections are great and the pricing between DSL and cable are similar, depending on your area. The real question is “which one is the best deal?” The factors you need to consider when choosing between the two is what the cost and the speed is, as well as whether or not there is a contract involved with a minimum commitment period. Additionally, often times these companies run promotional specials for limited time periods. That is where BMI can help. We can give you the speed, current pricing and promotions on both services side by side so you can choose the right one for you. Call us today at 800-485-5006 and let one our team members clear up the confusion for you!

5. I travel a lot, what do you have for me?

When it comes to having Internet on the go, we have a GREAT solution for you! We have a small USB device that is totally portable. You simply plug it into your computer, wherever you are, and you have access to Internet. We rent these devices out month by month, so you are not committed to a long term contract. They are especially handy while traveling on vacation so you can get directions, look up phone numbers, make reservations, access your email etc. Give BMI a call today and see if this is the answer you have been looking for: 800-485-5006.

6. What is DSL?

DSL stands for Digital Subscriber Line. It is a fast broadband connection that runs over the copper wire of your phone line, but it does NOT require that you have an active phone service in place on that line. Additionally, when you receive DSL service, if you do have an active phone line (referred to as a landline), you are still able to receive and make calls on it while online as the DSL service runs on a different frequency. The DSL circuits themselves are typically owned by your local phone carrier, and then you can have Internet service run over that line by the provider of your choice, such as BMI. A DSL service does require that you have a DSL modem in place. Have questions about whether or not you can get DSL and what it would cost? Give BMI a call today and let us do the research for you! 1-800-485-5006.

7. Is there a trial period?

That really depends on what type of service you order. The cost of hardware, shipping and possibly installation lower the chances of a real “trial period” on services. Most companies however, do offer a time period that allows you to opt out of the service for a minimal cost. For example, a dial-up account comes with a complete 30-day money back guarantee. You can cancel for any reason during the first 30 days and receive a full refund. A satellite service allows you to cancel the service, but after installation if you decide to cancel, you are charged a $50.00 restocking fee. Call BMI today to find out what types of service you can get, and whether or not there is a trial period! We have an entire team of Internet experts available to answer all your questions: 800-485-5006.

8. What if I find a better price later?

In today’s competitive marketplace, it is possible to find a better price on your service not too long after you have committed to it. When ordering a service through Blue Mountain Internet, we will find the best promotional price available at that time. Since promotions generally come with a minimum commitment period, you may find that you cannot switch to the lower priced service without a penalty of some type. If that happens, please give us a call and we can do our very best to help: 800-485-5006.

9. Do you have to come out to install the service?

In most cases, an installer does not have to make an appointment to come out and install a service. Services such as dial-up, DSL and Mobile Broadband are either “Plug and Play”, or our on-site technicians will guide you through installation over the phone. There are some services, however, that do require a service call to come out to install the service – such as satellite or fixed wireless services. If you are unsure, just give BMI a call and we can assist you: 800-485-5006.

10. Do I need a credit card?

Blue Mountain Internet has many services available that DO NOT require payment by credit card. We understand that not everyone prefers to pay for services in that manner. Some of our services do require a credit card, however. We also understand that every situation is unique and we make every effort to work with you to put together a package and plan that works best for you. In some cases, alternative payment arrangements can be made, such as paying for the service on an annual basis, or setting up a “pre-payment plan”. If the standard terms are not suitable for you, please ask about the alternatives we can provide: 800-485-5006.

11. I already have email, what services do you have that don’t include email?

In today’s world, lots of people already have email established with another server, such as Hotmail or Yahoo. That is not a problem. While we do provide outstanding and secure email services, you are not required to use them. Just let us know at the time you place your order that you prefer to keep the email that you are currently using.

12. I am worried about Internet Security.

You are not alone! Everyone, including BMI is concerned about Internet Security. It is foolish not to worry about such things. At Blue Mountain Internet we take security very seriously. We have included multiple layers of security measures in every service we offer, from email to web-hosting. Our email for example, is filtered through many servers testing it for viruses, security breeches and SPAM. Only safe un-compromised messages are delivered to you. We also have a very secure and effective Anti-Virus service that you can subscribe to which will protect your entire computer against infections. Please call today and ask one of our Internet Experts about BMI’s built=in security measures as well as Anti-virus software: 800-485-5006.

13. I don’t want a contract.

A contract period is a protection for you, as well as a protection for the company providing the service. The purpose of a contract is to insure you will commit to a minimum service period, while you are insured of a specific price during that period. No surprise price increases. All services, however, do require a contract. It depends on the type of service you order. Blue Mountain Internet can answer all your concerns about whether there is, or is not, a contract for a particular service, and what fees will be charged should you decide to cancel early. Call and ask: 800-485-5006.

14. What does VOIP mean?

Voice Over Internet Protocol. In real-life terms, this simply means that your voice phone service is running over the Internet, rather than through traditional copper phone lines. A VOIP service typically offers highly-reduced rates on long distance calling. With a VOIP service you are usually able to use your existing standard telephones as well. It is a great way to save money and cut costs, for both residential customers and business customers. A VOIP service requires a high speed broadband service. It never hurts to ask about the pricing…you will be amazed at the amount of money that you can save over your current phone service pricing! Call today and let us explain: 800-485-5006.

15. I want wireless Internet.

When people call us asking for “wireless Internet” the first thing our experts ask them is whether they are referring to a wireless network within their home or business, or a wireless Internet feed to their home or office. Why? Because often times the term “wireless” can be confusing. There are two types of wireless services 1. A wireless Internet feed to your home or business (the Internet signal is delivered via a wireless radio signal) or 2. You really want a wireless network within your home or business so you can get Internet on your computer(s) without cables. Either way, Blue Mountain Internet has the perfect solution for you. We can deliver wireless internet feeds, and also assist you with a wireless network. Because we have been providing Internet solutions for over 16 years, we can quickly help you figure out want you really want, and help you get it. Call our Internet Experts today: 800-485-5006.

16. What if I need technical help?

At Blue Mountain Internet, we provide FREE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. It is as simple as that. Our highly trained technicians are here to help you with your Internet connection at no cost. We don’t believe you should have to pay to get your questions answered. If your question falls out of our area of expertise (such as a problem with your printer or how to upload photos to your Facebook account), we can still help. We will provide you with contact information for whomever you need to talk to about the problem you are having. Our priority at Blue Mountain Internet is to eliminate the confusion and make things easy for you!

17. How much does Internet cost?

It can cost as little as $6.95 per month, depending on the type of service you are looking for. BMI has many types of Internet services available to you and we continually keep an eye on the current promotions being offered in each area. When you call us to get pricing, we will need your address, we can then put that information into our database to see all of the different services you qualify for, and the pricing, terms etc. Whether you are looking for dial-up, cable, DSL, Wireless, fiber or anything else, we have the information you want. Internet is what we do, but we realize that all of the options can be confusing and overwhelming to some. Our friendly professional Internet experts are waiting to take your call today: 800-485-5006.

18. I have more than one computer, do I have to pay for each one?

No, you don’t. Depending on the type of service you choose, you can usually get all of your computers online with one connection, at no additional monthly cost. BMI can help you figure out what type of connection and hardware you need to get your home or business set up to suit you. Call us today and find out: 800-485-5006.

19. What do all the different Internet speeds mean?

Is all the talk of megabytes, kilobytes and gigabytes turning your brain to mush? You are not alone…it can be confusing and a bit of a mystery. Most Internet speeds are measured in Mbs (megabytes). For example, a cable connection might say it is 1.5 Mbs or 3 Mbs etc. The larger the number, the faster the speed. Here is a handy little online calculator to assist you with converting the speeds: When choosing an internet speed, you want to remember that “faster is not always better”. The reason is, even if you have a 30 Mb Internet connection, your computer processor can only handle so much data at a time. Don’t fall into the trap of buying more speed than you really need. Call Blue Mountain Internet today to get help finding the perfect service for you: 800-485-5006.

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